Summer weather can be great for a lot of activities, but it's also important to remember how hot it can get during the summer months. With that in mind, there are some important steps you should take to make sure your dog stays cool and comfortable when the temperatures start to rise. In this blog post, we'll cover tips and tricks on how to keep your dog cool during the summer heat.
Keep Your Dog Cool With These Four Steps
As summertime approaches, it's important to keep your dog cool and comfortable during the hot weather. While there are plenty of ways to beat the heat, here we've outlined four easy steps that you can take to make sure your dog stays cool even on the hottest days. From providing shade and water to dressing them in cooling vests and dog boots, follow these tips to keep your pup safe, cool, and comfortable during the summer season.
Provide Shade

One of the best ways to ensure that your pup stays cool is to make sure they have a shady spot to escape the sun. If you know you'll be spending time outside with your pup, bring along an umbrella or a beach tent. This way, you'll have an easy way to provide shade for your pup anytime they need it.
Also, when the sun is shining bright, you'll want to make sure their eyes are protected. Check out our line of doggy trucker hats that are perfect for keeping the sun out of their eyes. And even better, you can pick up a matching trucker hat for yourself too!
Choose the Right Place
When walking your dog, make sure you choose a route that avoids direct sunlight or areas with little access to shade. A grassy area is great for this! It's also best to avoid hot surfaces like pavement, as these can further increase the heat on your pup's paws.

Always check the temperature of the pavement/cement/trail that your dog will be walking on. Keep in mind that your dog's body is going to be closer to the heat radiating off the ground you'll be walking on so that heat will be more extreme for your pup.
We also recommend avoiding walks during the hottest times of the day. Take your pup out early in the morning or late evening when it's cooler and there are more chances for shade along the way.
Stay Hydrated
It's important to make sure your dog always has access to plenty of fresh, cool water. Bring a bottle and bowl with you and provide more-than-frequent breaks to ensure your dog is drinking enough water.
You can also try freezing some treats ahead of time and offer these as snacks on hot summer days. This will give your pup some delicious treats to cool them down and rehydrate.
Keep Your Dog Comfortable

In addition to providing plenty of shade and water, it's important to make sure your dog is comfortable when the temperatures start to rise. If you have a short-haired breed or a senior pup, consider getting them an article of clothing like a dog shirt or cooling vest that you can soak in water and place over thier body. This will help regulate their body temperature and keep them from getting too hot.
Also, if you're planning on taking your dog to the beach, consider purchasing some doggy booties for their paws. These can protect them from getting burned by hot sand.
It's Hot! Keep Your Dog Cool
Luckily, with a few simple precautions you can keep your dog safe and comfortable in hot weather! Prevention is key: provide plenty of water and shade, restrict exercise to cooler times of day, and keep your dog's coat groomed. You may also want to invest in cooling products like pet pools or mats, and doggy coolers.

Be mindful of warning signs of over-heating such as excessive panting or difficulty breathing, glazed eyes, rapid heartbeat, fever, vomiting/diarrhea, excessive salivation, lethargy or lack of coordination. If your pup shows any of these symptoms be sure to take them to the vet immediately.
With a few simple tips, you and your dog can enjoy a safe, cool summer of outdoor fun!